Child Protection Training
Children should have their rights safeguarded and their wellbeing promoted; however, they remain highly vulnerable to abuse, violence and exploitation. So, we strengthen the capacities of organizations (schools, non-governmental organizations, religious institutions and others) to develop measures and structures to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect so that girls and boys are safe and protected in all aspects of their lives, including where they live, learn, pray and play.
Furthermore, we support the development and review of child protection policies of organizations to ensure that all interventions and support protect the rights of children and are in the child’s best interest.
Gender Responsive Budgeting
Nigeria must have a budget that works for women and men, girls and boys, by providing gender-equitable distribution of resources and contributing to equal opportunities for all. To promote this, we carry out capacity training for relevant government and non-governmental organizations to increase awareness on the concept of gender-responsive budgeting and ensure that policies and resources allocation can effectively support the activities of women and men, which is vital to the health and sustainability of our society.
Asset Building for Girls
It is always vital to ensure that programs are victim-centred. So, we support organizations to develop programs specifically for girls by understanding girls’ needs in the community and evaluating their current programming capacity.
The program builds explicitly upon girls’ existing capacities and involves practical exercises to create intentional program contents in determining what assets your beneficiaries need to survive and thrive based on their realities.
Human Right Principles
Tostan, an African based organization working directly with rural communities, developed the nineteen (19) human rights principles. These principles are rights to which every human being is entitled to without discrimination regardless of ethnicity, origin, residence, race, colour, language, gender, religion, or any other status.
So, we focus on sensitizing communities, including women, community leaders, and other relevant stakeholders, on these principles, so they are aware of their rights and responsibilities, can protect those rights and exercise it, and confidently speak up when these rights are abused.