Promoting Girl’s SRHR


The collaboration between the Child and Youth Protection Foundation and She’s The First to promote girls’ Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights is yielding tremendous results.

The success of the initiative, which started last year prompted the continuation through this year.
Through this initiative, girls who have little or no knowledge about monitoring their menstrual cycles have been enlightened and mentored to successfully monitor their cycles using the period diary designed by “She’s The First.”

The simplicity of the period diary has made it possible for girls without basic literacy to use it.

In January, we were able to reach 276 girls across three schools in Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria. The initial plan was to reach 100 girls, but due to demand, we exceeded our target. Other sanitary materials like sanitary pads were also made available for the students.

We are committed to our course.

CYPF #She’sTheFirst”

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